“I thank RCS for the software changes that are made each year. I appreciate the updates made and how much easier it makes our job.”
--Dale Swain, UAW Local 1930
"Your commitment to an excellent product is exceeded only by your commitment to the users of that product."
--Shep Clyman, UAW Local 2110
"... the support that is available to me is WORLD CLASS."
--Joni Batey, UAW Local 1216
"I highly recommend RCS and believe that it is one of the best investments this local has ever made."
--Carol Stiles, UAW Local 145
"I am allowed one day a week to perform my financial secretary duties for a local of 750 members. Before Roberts Software was in use, it took three to five days a week minimum just to take care of payroll and income management duties."
--Robert Buller, UAW Local 434
"Ken Roberts and his staff are continually updating the software from suggestions received from the folks that use it every day, US!"
--Roger Augsburger, UAW Local 1327
"This software is extremely user friendly and easy to navigate (no extra keystrokes). Everything is on the screen in case you forget or get lost. You cannot make a mistake."
--Joni Batey, UAW Local 1216
"I cannot say enough about the technical support."
--Kelli Harrison, UAW Local 2488
"I have every confidence in the RCS program and staff."
--Robert Buller, UAW Local 434
"Their programs are designed from input received from the people that actually use it."
--Carol Stiles, UAW Local 145
"With other software providers that I used there was a feeling of confusion and intimidation, not with RCS!"
--Joe Hribar, UAW Local 2000
"The software is very user friendly. Ken and his staff are very knowledgeable about their product."
-- Kelli Harrison, UAW Local 2488